La Fromagerie promotes its values through its commitment to the community and various actions...
Through its General Manager, Mr. Jean-Pierre Salvas agr., La Fromagerie Polyethnique is involved in mentoring young entrepreneurs of the region and is also a member of Chamber of Commerce of Sorel-Tracy, which has for mission to improve trade and economic health in our region. Because of its dedication towards the development of future entrepreneurs in the region, La Fromagerie recently became part of the Entrepreneurial squad of the SADC (cummunity development society) of Pierre-De Saurel. In addition, the company recently obtained a position on the board of directors of the SEME (Service d’Exportation Montérégie Est) which offers export services to companies in East Montérégie. Finally, since sustainable development is one of the values of La Fromagerie, it’s quite natural that it should be part of the board of directors of CTTÉI (Centre de Transfert Technologique en Écologie Industrielle), which has for mission to promote industrial ecology by training human resources and optimizing the value of residual waste.
La Fromagerie Polyethnique takes pride in welcoming trainees in the company and gives priority to students from the region in order to help the local workforce. For example, the Company had trainees from the Cégep de Sorel-Tracy (Accounting Technician), the Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières (HR), the Université Laval(Research and Development) and the Institut Technologique Agroalimentaire (Laboratory Technician).
Following an internship at La Fromagerie, a person was hired as a full time Coordinator of Human Resources. This allowed continuing the organization of several visits of the plant with the team Accès-région from Orienthèque and Carrefour Jeunesse Emploi de Pierre-De-Saurel. The aim is to discover the world of food processing and the different types of jobs associated with it.
Another way to get involved in the community, in addition to promoting products, is through sponsorships taking the form of various products for several organizations in the area, such as schools, Relève agricole, Caisse Populaire, the Municipality of St-Robert, the bike ride of Massueville, the annual festival of the Fabrique de St-Ours, the open house of the UPA, Drive Away Hunger, etc.
La Fromagerie promotes "joie de vivre", health and above all happiness. Through these actions, the Company embodies its values.