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Boule de fromage Labneh Fromagerie Le Bédouin

Labneh crispy cheese ball with dried black olives and pistachios

(2 portions)


  • 10 labneh cheese balls
  • 60 g dried black olives, finely grinded (oven 225°F, 2h)
  • 60 g pistachio powder
  • 60 g bread crumbs ground into powder
  • 2 whipped eggs
  • Salt, black pepper
  • 60 ml olive oil


  1. Beat eggs in a bowl, season and set aside
  2. Mix crumbs, dried black olives and pistachios
  3. Roll the cheese balls in the egg mixture, then roll in breadcrumb mixture and repeat one more time
  4. Heat olive oil over medium heat in a skillet, and roast the cheese balls on all sides
  5. Serve as appetizers on a Greek salad or your favorite salad

Visit for more ideas

Bon appetit!

Chef Manuel Lamarre and his team

Manuel Lamarre – 514 743-3614 –